2018 Messiah at Knock Basilica

Event details

  • Saturday | 03/11/2018
  • 7:30 pm
  • Basilica of Knock, Knock, Co Mayo.
  • 094 9388100

Following the inaugural performance of the Messiah at Knock Basilica, Our Lady’s Choral Society and the RTE Concert Orchestra have been invited to perform again on 3rd November 2018.

Knock Basilica Presents:

Handel’s Messiah


The RTÉ Concert Orchestra

Proinnsías Ó Duinn, Conductor

Soprano: Anna Devin

Alto: Kate Allen

Tenor: Peter O’Reilly

Bass: John Molloy

Conductor: Proinnsías Ó Duinn


Our Lady’s Choral Society, Cór Mhaigh Eo and the Mayo Chamber Choir

Presented by Liz Nolan, RTÉ lyric fm


Saturday 3rd November 2018 at 7.30pm

Doors open 6.30 pm

Tickets are now available and can be booked at:


