Our Lady’s Choral Society is a group of 120 (approx) people whose passion for singing drives them to perform major choral works at a professional standard.

OLCS performs major oratorios with full orchestral accompaniment. It is best known for its interpretation of Handel’s Messiah performed annually in the National Concert Hall in Dublin.


Interested members are invited to try one or two rehearsals before making any commitment to join. All members undergo an audition every three years to enable the music director to maintain the overall quality and balance of the choir. Don’t let that put you off; it is a basic audition (5 minutes) with very little preparation required.


Generosity and consideration are hallmarks of OLCS. Members look after each other, and new members are always placed between established members to help integrate them into the choir.


From September until May, OLCS currently rehearses on Tuesday night at The Church of the Holy Child, The Thatch Road, Whitehall, Dublin 9. Rehearsals begin at 7:45pm sharp and run until 9:45pm. When the choir is preparing for a performance, occasionally there are additional rehearsals, usually on a Saturday.


OLCS welcomes singers of all types who are enthusiastic about singing and who are willing to commit to the rehearsal schedule. It is not essential that members read music; learning CD’s/Tracks are available to help members learn their parts.


Each member of OLCS pays an annual subscription fee of €250.


Email the Honorary Secretary at [email protected] to find out more and arrange your audition. Alternatively click HERE to use our contact page to send your message.